


Chelkinofest is seeking for authors 18-35 years who make movies about people and for people and wish for making the world better with their movies.



  • Best fiction short
  • Best documentary shorts
  • Best pitching project
  • Best innovative journalist
  • Grand-prix.

The jury will also award: best screenplay, best directing

best cinematogprahy, best montage, best acting.


Eligibility: applicants can be authors or author teams (students Film and TV Making, Journalistics, cinematography school students, independent directors). Age restrictions: 18-40. Applicants can participate virtually. One author can send no more than 3 films.

No strong language, please.

Application requirements:

1.  Video should be finished no earlier than 01 January, 2022.

2. Please, send the film via filmfreeway


fill in the application form on


send the requiered documents no later than 15 March to as follows:

  • application form in Word
  • your photo/s  JPEG (if the video has more than one director)
  • photo of your tutor JPEG
  • 2 screenshots from your video.

3. The running time must be within 30 min.

4. The video must contain opening titles with the author name, the place you study in, actors’ list, creative and technical team.

5. Please, name your video in that order: Video title, your name, college, category, running time (Good Movie, Social, Wilson, Un.of The Arts London, 15 min.) .

The festival provides prticipants with the accomodation and meals, but unfortunately we can’t cover your journey costs. 

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

Jury and Organizers:

Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture and Arts,

With support of: Ministry of Culture (Chelyabinsk region), Youth Center of Filmmaking Union Russia.

The jury includes; organizers, specialists in film making, sponsors and publiс associations.

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