During the week of Friday September 28th to Sunday October the 7th 2012 over 100,000 people in over 250 Cinemas, Museums and Universities, across 6 Continents will unite to view & vote on the finalists Films in the Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival. MANHATTAN SHORT is the First Film Festival to take place in all 50 States of the USA, and the first film festival to unite all 6 Continents of the world. It is not just one of the largest short film festivals in the world, its the World’s first Global Film Festival.
All Films Selected become eligible to enter the Oscars 2020.
- The Gold Medal
- The Silver Medal
- The Bronze Medal
- Best Actor
- Best Screenplay
- Films must be 20 minutes and under in length (minus credits).
- We accept all genres and do not rule out anything.
- Manhattan Short does not require premieres.
- We accept screeners via a Private Vimeo Link or mailed to us on a DVD or Blu Ray with a completed entry form.
- Filmmakers may also enter using Film Freewayx.
Selection Media Type: online, DVD, Blu-Ray
Screening Media Type: Apple ProRes Quicktime file
Audio language: original
Subtitles language: English
Premiere Requirements
No premiere requirement
Jury and Organizers